Do Your Clients Feel Appreciated?

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Successful Realtors understand the value of relationships. Top agents are not only intentional about building relationships but also in maintaining them. They know their past clients provide future business opportunities as well as highly qualified referrals and treat this group as the high-value lead sources they are. 

Completing a transaction doesn’t mean your relationship with a client is ending – it means the relationship is changing. 

You establish a relationship with each client before and during the buying or selling process by guiding them through each step of the complex process, acting in their best interest, providing excellent service, and answering questions. 

To maintain relationships after the deal closes, you’ll need a communication strategy that focuses on continual communication with value.

A good strategy for consistently communicating with value includes automated messaging, one-to-many messaging, and one-to-one messaging. The most effective approach includes creating opportunities to engage with your clients.

Past Client Engagement Opportunities

Client appreciation events are the perfect reason to reach out to your past clients and, even if they don’t attend, they will probably remember that you thought of them. 

If you aren’t hosting appreciation events, you’re overlooking a valuable opportunity! 

Despite the ongoing pandemic, there are opportunities to plan events that allow safe distancing or can be held virtually.

  • Rent out a movie theater for an exclusive showing
  • Sponsor or participate in a community event (festivals, art walks, 5Ks)
  • Organize a watch party a local sporting event
  • Purchase a block of seats for a local sporting event, show, or concert
  • Offer a virtual cooking class
  • Take a group to a new restaurant or host a (responsible) happy hour event
  • Host a class that showcases a hobby or activity you love
  • Invite your clients to an open house at your home or office
  • Plan seasonal activities – Easter egg hunts, water park days, barbeques, apple picking, holiday parties

Consider your guests and plan different events to reach different groups. Families with young children will enjoy an outing to a local children’s museum or zoo, but a wine tasting event will appeal to those hoping for a different type of night out.

A Simple Plan For Success

To host a successful event, plan more than logistics. Consider how you want to spend time with your guests and show up with realistic expectations. 


  • Send invitations early 
  • Invite again (call or text to personally invite people) 
  • Allow attendees to bring a guest 
  • Invite prospective clients 


  • Mingle! Talk to as many people as possible 
  • Hand out business cards to new people you meet and capture their information when appropriate
  • Have a photographer to take pictures


  • Follow up with anyone who wanted to talk business 
  • Post pictures (with permission) on social media 
  • Send personalized thank you messages when appropriate


Plan With Confidence

If you’re new to hosting events, you may have some hesitations:

Planning an event will likely be intimidating at first. 

What if no one shows up? 

Plan to have fun with whoever attends your event. If you end up with a small group, enjoy the small group.

What can I do that is affordable? 

Get creative! Reach out to your professional network to co-sponsor an event. 

What if too many people want to attend? 

This is a great problem. Communicate from the beginning that space is limited. If you are unable to accommodate everyone interested in attending, plan something soon for those who missed out. 


If you aren’t incorporating valuable ways to stay connected to your clients, you’re missing valuable opportunities for your real estate business.

Looking for more ways to stay connected with your growing list of past clients? Download The Power of Automated Communication guide now to explore ideas that can work with your existing business strategy.